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Brow Treatment Form

Please choose from the options below and fill out your personal semi permanent makeup consent form. 

Medical History

Do any of the following apply to you?

Recent skIn infection around the eye or brow area
Eye infections
Recent surgical procedure around the eye or brow area

If you answered yes' to any of the above, the treatment may not be suitable for you at this time.

Have you had/used any of the following within the last 6 weeks?

Anti-ageing creams
Botox or filers
Facial peels, facials or AHAs
Steroid creams or tablets
Fake tan*
Sun beds

*If you wish to have your treatment and use fake tan, we strongly recommend that you apply a barrier on and around your brows when applying the tan. This will help to avoid your eyebrow tint turning a green shade.

Do you suffer from any of the following skin conditions around your eyebrow area?

Sensitive skin

Have you suffered from or received treatment for any of the following conditions?

Chemotherapy or radiotherapy

Are you currently taking any medication or undergoing medical treatment?


Have you had any of the following treatments before?

HD Brows
HD Brows BrowSculpt
Another brow lamination treatment
Other brow treatment (please specify)

Have you ever had any previous reactions to HD Brows or other eyebrow treatments?


If you answered 'yes', please describe below. Your stylist will discuss with you and adjust your treatment where necessary.

Have you ever had any previous reactions to henna, tints, dyes or lightening products?


Are you (or could you be) pregnant, breastfeeding or undergoing IVF?


If you answered 'yes' to either of the above questions, your stylist may not use tint, lightening paste or the BrowSculpt Relax & Reform Duo

Is there any other information we should be aware of that may affect your suitability for treatment?

Although your treatment will be carried out to the highest standards, complications can still occur. Possible side effects include:

  • Allergies or reactions to any products, ingredients depilation techniques involved in the treatment
  • Small spots and bumps
  • Skin grazing
  • Soreness, redness or itching
  • Sensitivity to waxing
  • Potential hair loss (BrowSculpt only)
  • Possible lightening of permanent make up pigments (BrowSculpt only)

Treatment Consent

  • I acknowledge the possible side effects and any additional risks that my medical history has highlighted and I agree to go ahead with my treatment
  • I have carried out all necessary patch tests 48 hours before the date of my appointment.

  • I have answered the questions regarding my medical history truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.

  • I agree to contact my stylist immediately in the event of any adverse effects.
I Consent
Please tick if under the age of 18

Your stylist will not use tint or lightening paste during your treatment if you are under 16 years old. Your stylist will not be able to perform a Browsculpt treatment if you are under 18 years old.

Data Consent

  • I consent to self. and my selected technician collecting, retaining and processing medical and health information provided on this client record form for the purpose of my treatment, any aftercare and any other matters arising after my treatment.
I Consent

  • I consent to my photograph(s) being taken and/or used for marketing purposes.

*Check Junk Mail For Your Copy*